30 in 30 V

Day 1

Here we go again.  If when I finish this month, I will have painted over 150 paintings in the last two years.  Now that's something.  Some of them were even good.
Each 30 x30 seems like a good idea at the time.  Then the anxiety kicks in.
It takes awhile, days, a week, sometimes more, to get into the groove again.  This is why I should take Carol Marine's advice (author of Daily Painting), and paint every damn day.
Initially I was relieved that this go-round is happening in February, because I just wanted to relax after the holidays.  Then, as it turns out, Fred and I are returning to Nepal in March with The Greenheart.  On or around March 2. So I need to paint more than one painting a day, several times.  So I started on January 30, and I'll post them in the order that I did them.
Here's the first.  I'm calling it go without fear.  This is the title of a book by Maarten Olthof, which I mean to read soon.
I'm doing lots of terrifying (for me) things these days.  I went to Nepal.  I took a hair-raising van ride to Tatopani, where we looked out the hotel window at Tibet.  I climbed this mountain.  I took Xanax for the first time on the way down (thank you, Laura!) I'm going back in March --trekking, this time-- with Maarten and The Greenheart.
We only get so much time on this planet, so I mean to say yes to as many things as I can.

go without fear, oil on canvas, 8"x8"


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