30 in 30: DONE

Day 30: I'm Easy
4" x 4", oil on gessobord
I just can't resist the goofy, cryptic titles that come to me.
This was on the squash.
January 30th felt a little anticlimactic. I painted both this and Little Red House on the 29th, because we had this planned:
Concert at West Point
Me, Dad, sister Jeanie & her husband Mike

 I'm still amazed that January is over, and I DID THIS. I have to say a big thank you to Lavinia Wiggins, who first posted on Facebook about this challenge, and encouraged me to sign up. Lavinia has helped, encouraged, and inspired me for years. Now, repeat all of the above and insert "Lori Lamb"! She, too, has been a huge inspiration. And Ed Burke, who told me after I finished an oh-so-precious, carefully-rendered still life in his painting class, "Great, you've proved that you can reproduce a photograph. Now f#%*ing PAINT! Also, you need more paint on those clothes."
The list of people who have helped and encouraged me is long!

Day 29: Little Red House
4" x 4", oil on gessobord

I took this photo on the homeward leg of our marathon-drive National Parks tour last summer.  It's at Saratoga National Historical Park. Yes, I have a National Park Passport, and I know how to use it. There are stamps and stickers involved. I'm still eight years old inside.
And today is February 1st. "White rabbit, white rabbit!" Saying that first thing on the first of a month is supposed to be good luck. I'm feeling adrift today, and overwhelmed by all the *other* stuff I've neglected this past month. So thank you, Dylan Maxwell, for posting the Daily Comic Challenge. Today IS the beginning of a new month...


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